Project KidSight
Forms, Training, and Resources

Our Michigan KidSight Program is designed to identify treatable and preventable causes of vision loss in children as young as 1 year-old. We utilize a hi-tech mobile vision screener that is programmed to quickly and accurately identify vision disorders such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), anisometropia (unequal refraction power), astigmatism (optical defect), anisocoria (unequal pupil size) and strabismus (gaze deviations) through non-invasive testing. Our portable vision screener performs a binocular test of both eyes within 1 second, and it instantly and accurately (98% accuracy rating) identifies potential vision problems. When problems are detected, our vision screener reports a “Fail” or “Refer” status, and a detailed report identifying potential problems is provided to the child’s parent or guardian for further follow-up with an optometrist or ophthalmologist.
If diagnosed early, 95% of vision disorders can be corrected, however when vision problems are not detected early, vision loss can be irreversible. Over time, treatment options diminish, and the cost of treatment increases.
Please contact your local Lions Club for more information about Project KidSight.
For contact information, you may use the Lions Club Finder at www.lionsclubs.org.
- “We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Our daughter attended a vision screening with a playgroup in the Spring, and she had a picture taken with your special camera. Your free eye screening was a blessing to our family. Victoria had a posterior lenticonus type juvenile cataract in her left eye.
- The doctors believe she was born with this defect in the back of her eye which predisposed her to forming this type of cataract. This defect was never found at her well-child checkups, and if it was not for the Lions Club finding the defect when you did, Victoria could have lost her eye.
- Thanks to all of you, Victoria has 2 beautiful eyes, and her doctors believe that with her glasses, she will have normal vision. She turned 3 in January, and thanks to you, she will be a normal and healthy little girl.”
- “I am pleased to write this letter regarding Project KidSight. This program is critically important to the eye health and future success of our Michigan Children, and I thank all of the Lions who have worked, volunteered and supported the program for over 10 years. Over 2 centuries ago, the poet William Wadsworth observed that “the child is father of the man”, and our knowledge sheds new light almost daily on how correct Mr. Wadsworth was.
- I cannot stress enough how important Project KidSight is to the children of Michigan. I want to congratulate and thank all of the Lions who have been instrumental to the program’s success and growth.”

Lions Clubs International 1st Vice President Gudrun Yngvadottir and her husband PID Dr. Jon Bjarni Thorsteinsson inspect a Lions of Michigan Mobile Vision Screening Unit with Michigan International Director Candidate PCC Justin Faber, PDG Keith and Linda Cregar and Dan Embury.