Dr. Robert H. Mathog Lions Hearing Centers

"Blindness separates people from things;
deafness separates people from people."
- Helen Keller

Dr. Robert H. Mathog, MD
From 1977, until his death in October 2014, Dr. Robert H. Mathog served as professor and chair of the Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery at Wayne State University, and he was also chief of Otolaryngology at Harper and Detroit Receiving hospitals from 1977 to 2007.
As a staunch supporter of our Michigan Lions Clubs’ efforts to fight hearing loss and provide affordable hearing aids for people in our state, Dr. Mathog established our first Lions Hearing Center at Detroit Medical Center in the year 1999, and he served as president and chair of our Lions Hearing Centers until 2014.
*Click below for more information

Robert S. Hong, MD, PhD Chief Medical Director—Hearing
Hearing loss is a disorder that affects over 30 million Americans. It is widely prevalent and vastly undertreated, with less than 20% of those suffering from hearing loss having ever used hearing aids. This has wide ranging consequences, as research has demonstrated links between hearing loss and increased risks of cognitive decline, dementia and social isolation.
Our Dr. Robert H. Mathog Lions Hearing Centers serve those affected by hearing loss through treatment, research, and education, regardless of ability to pay. With your help, we have screened tens of thousands of children and adults for hearing loss and provided thousands of hearing aids to those who otherwise could not afford them throughout Michigan.
Thank you for your support. We look forward to continuing to partner with you in serving those affected by hearing loss.
Sincerely yours,
Robert S. Hong, MD, PhD
Chief Medical Director—Hearing

Free hearing screenings are provided for children, adults, and seniors in southeast Michigan.
If you are interested in volunteering to help with screenings, or interested in other volunteer opportunities – please call 517-887-6640 or click the button below.